Account Setup

Register your company to use our online services
by filling out the form below.

If your company is already registered with us, DO NOT register your company again.

Instead, please call our Customer Service at +1.703.842.5317 and we can make any required changes to your account (such as changing the DER over to you.)

The fields marked with orange asterisks (*) indicate required information.

Your Company Information
  1. If your company has an FAA certificate, you must use the identical company name that is on the certificate.

Designated Employer Representative (DER)
TSA Security Compliance Programs
  1. Please check all that apply:

TFSSP (Twelve-Five Standard Security Program)

PCSSP (Private Charter Standard Security Program)

SIDA (Security Identification Display Area)

DASSP (DCA Access Standard Security Program)

FBO (Fixed Base Operator)

AOSSP (Aircraft Operator Standard Program)


  1. Please check the certifications you are applying under:

Part 91

Part 121

Part 125

Part 135

Part 145



FAA Certificate Number
  1. An FAA Certificate Number is required for Parts 121, 125, 135, and 145
    Certificate Holders.

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